(Of course these tweets come in an official English version, too. Still, I assume, for no direct reason, that the Italian text is the prototype.)
In terms of the content, the virtues of prayer are a familiar theme, of course. But I like the mixing of partly quite traditional, partly not so traditional thoughts.
In any case, I am still happy about the new Pope, particularly since being baptized Catholic, and thereby associated with the Church, is an uneasy thing at times from a moral standpoint.
It would be nice, in the month of May, to recite the Holy Rosary together in the family. Prayer makes even stronger family life.
I think of those who are unemployed, often because of a selfish mentality that seeks profit at any cost.
Dear young people, learn from St. Joseph, who has had difficult times, but he never lost faith, and has been able to overcome them.
We have faith in God! With Him we can do great things, therein he will make us feel the joy of being his disciples.
How nice if each of us in the evening could say: Today I made a gesture of love for others
The Holy Spirit transforms us and really wants to transform, through us, the world in which we live.
Dear young people, don't bury the talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream big things!
In the Italian, the same quotations:
"Sarebbe bello, nel mese di maggio, recitare assieme in famiglia il Santo Rosario. La preghiera rende ancora più salda la vita familiare." (May 3)***
"Penso a quanti sono disoccupati, spesso a causa di una mentalità egoista che cerca il profitto ad ogni costo." (May 2)
"Cari giovani, imparate da San Giuseppe, che ha avuto momenti difficili, ma non ha mai perso la fiducia, e ha saputo superarli." (May 1)
"Abbiamo fiducia nell'azione di Dio! Con Lui possiamo fare cose grandi; ci farà sentire la gioia di essere suoi discepoli." (April 30)
"Che bello se ognuno di noi alla sera potesse dire: oggi ho compiuto un gesto di amore verso gli altri" (April 29)
"Lo Spirito Santo ci trasforma veramente e vuole trasformare, anche attraverso di noi, il mondo in cui viviamo." (April 28)
"Cari giovani, non sotterrate i talenti, i doni che Dio vi ha dato! Non abbiate paura di sognare cose grandi!" (April 26)
Source: Papa Francesco, Twitter (@Pontifex_it)
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